Volunteer and participation FAQs

What does a Women Build volunteer day entail?
How do I register to participate in Women Build?
What if the day I want to build is full?
Where is Women Build held?
Do I need construction experience to participate?
What should I bring to the build site? What should I wear? Do I need to bring my own tools?
How old do I have to be to volunteer at Women Build?
Does Habitat Chicago provide transportation to the build site?
How can I learn more about Habitat Chicago?

Donation FAQs

How do I make a donation to a particular Women Build participant?
How do I make a donation to a particular Women Build team?
Oops! I made my donation to the wrong place! What do I do?
How do I make a donation via check?
How quickly can I expect an online donation to post to a participant's fundraising page?
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?
What is Habitat for Humanity Chicago's Tax ID (EIN) number?
How do I set up a matching gift from my company?

Fundraising FAQs

How much do I have to raise to participate in Women Build? What happens if I do not meet my goal?
Where does the money go?
How do I edit and manage my personal fundraising page? What are the resources available to me?
I'm a Team Leader! Where do I start?
What should I do if a check is written out to me personally?
Can I mail in a cash donation?
Can I enter a check online?
How quickly can I expect an online (credit card) donation posted to my page?
A donor is requesting a Tax ID number. What is that and how do I get it?
Where can I find a list of the people who have donated to my page?
Why am I receiving emails telling me that I've received a donation? Or why am I NOT receiving these emails?