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Welcome to Izabela Poludniak's Habitat for Humanity Women Build Page

Izabela Poludniak
This July, I will be part of a team of 12 awesome women grabbing a hammer and a hard hat to help a hardworking single mom to 5 growing boys build a house her family can call home.
I think it's important to know that all families benefiting from HFH campaigns purchase the homes HFH helps build via affordable monthly mortgage payments and invest hundreds of hours of their own labor - called "sweat equity", working alongside the volunteers.
Please help me reach my personal fundraising goal of $750 (met, thank you!), our team's fundraising goal of $4,000 (met, and upped to $5,000, and met again, thank you!), and the project goal of $150,000 (still working on it!), so that together we can make a difference in the life of a hard-working Chicago family! Every little bit helps!
Thank you!


raised of $750 goal

Recent Donations

Member of

Team 7/17 Friday - Team Julia Goetten
