Support Lady Boss in Women Build

Lady Boss
The life-changing benefits of affordable homeownership are immense: it improves school performance, decreases crime, improves financial outcomes, and enhances the health and well-being of children and adults – just to name a few. But due to gendered barriers like the pay gap and its impact on credit access, and uneven child care responsibilities that limit time and financial resources, it is far more difficult for women to become homeowners.

Lady Boss isn't okay with this and we're doing something about it. This October, we’re linking arms, picking up our power tools, and joining in Habitat for Humanity Chicago's Women Build to knock these barriers down. Alongside 500 determined women, we will raise $375,000 to help build Habitat for Humanity homes that will be purchased by women with affordable mortgages! Then, we're hitting the Habitat construction sites in West Pullman to help build the homes. 

Help us reach our goal so we can help these women unlock the benefits that homeownership provides and prove that there is nothing a committed group of women can’t achieve when they come together.

Every donation - big, small, or somewhere in between - helps to build a strong, stable, and equal future.

Thanks for your support,
Lady Boss


raised of $7,000 goal

8 Women Builders


Recent Donations

Balcius Amy$100
Awesome cause—go Kimberly! Congrats on hitting your goal!
Melissa Uram$50
Dear Ashley, What a great project! We are sending hugs and much love❤️ Melissa and Gerry
Callie Garnett$25
Love from Philly
Megan R Diddie$25
Elissa & Fred$1,000
Kimberly Swidelius$50
Hammer on!
Mary Hegarty$100
Jane Lee$25
Nick + Jilly$50
Way to go Mama!
Jennifer Kranitz$50
So important and great that you’re doing this work!
Elizabeth Stamos$100
Would love to support your team in this! Please let me know if are open to more members next year would be fun to take part!
Mauricio Reyes$50
Amy Kartheiser$100
So proud of you, Shannon! You go girl!
Marie Wexler$100
Dina Berger$50
You go girl!
Alan Wexler$100
Kim Vander Velde$25
Hayley Wick$50
David Steiner$100
Wonderful work and cause!
Erin Hawes$25
Cheers to you and Women Build, dear friend!
Sarah A Montgomery$25
Rezshenae Youngblood$100
So proud of you!!!
Joycelynn Dato$100
Keep up the great work!!
Nathan Stitt$100
Element Ring Co.
Regina Burton$25
You’re amazing!! Love this so much!
Thea Papastathis$100
So glad you are doing this!
Donna Mondio$100
WTG Shannon! Such a rockstar.
Andonia Carter$20
Erin Minckley
Laura Botham$75
So proud of you!
Michael Thompson
Bel the Builder!!!
Kels + Dan$50
GO KELSEY GO!!! Thanks for making an impact in the community!
Anne Kessler$50
Anne Kessler$50
Megan Stride and James Hotchkiss$50
Go Sarah go!!
Alice Skudlarek$50
Melissa Cook$50
Carlos Briones and Richard Rykhus$100
Always a role model!
Gemma Parker$250
Michael Abrams$200
Build away - thanks for your contributions to this amazing cause!
Michael Stornello$250
Shannon! Good Luck! All our best, Tom and Mike
Marisa Issa$50
So great that you're doing this!!
Gabrielle & Judson Brooks$100
Great job Isabel! Love. the Brooks fam
Allison Bell$25
Thank you for all of your work for this amazing cause!
Carolyn Bronstein$50
Proud of your efforts to improve economically challenged communities, Isabel!
Matt Nguyen$1,000
<3 go team!
Aimee Stoltz$50
You inspire me, Iz!
Sheau-ming Ross$50
I love Women Build!!! Enjoy!
Chrissy & Aaron Mountjoy$100
Happy to contribute to a wonderful cause!
Jennifer Pfaff Smith$25
What a wonderful cause. Amazing work, Shannon!
Kim Scodro$100
This is awesome Shannon!
Jenina Saphara$50
Great cause! Thank you for doing this and raising awareness!
Tricia Carroll$25
Pauline Janeo
Holly DeRosa Walejeski$50
Emily Ryan
Get it ladies!!
Kevin Byrne$50
Slater Nelson$25
Megan Zack$100
Molly bechert$250
Go Kimberly! So proud to know you.
Seth Keller$100
This sounds like amazing and important work. From me, Michelle, Clementine and Pearl
Raquel Burgos$25
Love this effort!
Susannah Moeller$50
Kristin Cless$100
So great!
Maureen Browne$50
Katie Cassidy$20
Amy Ravi$50
Go, Isabel!
Andy Schultz$50
Joan and Rob Tyson$100
You go girl! We totally support this organization and the work you and the other strong and willing women are doing. So many homeless women and their families need housing and you are helping their dreams come true! Congratulations! Love, Joan and Rob
Molly Conway Alvarez$50
Such an awesome cause! Great work Isabel!
Caroline Montgomery$25
Casey Varela$50
Isabel, thanks for your efforts in addressing the gender homeownership gap!
Love Habitat Isabel! This is awesome!
Leslie Luning$25
Katie Durkin$25
Melissa Raman Molitor$25
Carolyn Lewis$50
Love you dude!!!
Jill Hooten$50
Kevin Lamb$500
Awesome cause. Good luck on the build
Josh Grubbs$100
Katie Rose$25
Women building up women. Nothing better.
Colleen Guenther$50
Terry and Tom Lamb$100
Good luck with the project and stay safe. Terry says “be careful on ladders”
Melissa Riddle$25
Kathy Mariner$20
Sabrina & Rob$100
Otto Brown$100
Jackie Banks-Mahlum$100
Alexandra Ryan$100
Elizabeth Lamb$25
Proudayou 🦢
Lisa Brice$50
Andrew Tyson$100
Marcie and Frank$100
Hi Ashley, I’m so glad you sent this request! This donation is from me AND Frank … we both want to acknowledge the importance of this project and your unwavering commitment to your community. Marcie and Frank
Emily Holmes$25
Aarika Michel$20
Bonnie and Collin$25
Bonnie and Collin$30
Connor McShane$25
Kathleen McKinney & Bob Wazienski$100
Linda Kolbe$25
You are amazing and I'm super proud of you!
Claire Wazienski
get it gurrrrrl
Melissa Shafer$30
Yassss Kelsey!! Amazing :)
Julie Rubin$30
So awesome, Kelsey! :)
Julia Hoover$20
Proud of you, Kelsey!
Clare Johnston$25
David Lee
Keep building!
Rachel Broder$30
Marcy Fancher$50
Debi and Jeff$200
You are a strong woman and I am so proud of you!!
Bailey Hayes
Rachelle Letang$25
Stephen Eleby$100
What great work for a great cause.
Ashton Hendrich$25
Kate Marker$100
Susie Silver & Jeff Weiss$50
Jeannie Andresen$25
Love this!
Nick Jutkus$50
Keep up the great work in everything you do!
Amanda Berlin$50
Great work, Sarah!
Ashley Harding$50
Jen Talbot$50
Bill Myatt$50
Pam Montgomery$100
Kara Johnson$50
Paul Fritz$50
Kathryn Faull$100
Desi Creswell $100
Excited you are doing this again!!
Shelly Ave$100
What a wonderful project! Build on!! :-)
Rory Shannon$30
carol Shannon
Proud of you Shannon! BTW Congrats on your recent announcement!!!!! So happy for you!
Martha Cowen (and Will)$100
What a worthy cause! Good luck!
Mary Mullen$20
Patricia S.Sharpe$50
Go for it ,Shannon.
Eric Glassy$100
Rebecca Ellis$100
Lisa Sharpe$25
Cheryl Gushe$35
Carolyn Shannon$100
Way to go Shannon!
Adam Howard$50
Jack Cuddy
Well done Shannon!
William Shannon and Claudia$100
Yahoo! Yoy go girl!!!!
Courtney Kingston$25
Go Shannon!
Catherine E Ketter$25
Keep building those homes, Habitat for Humanity Chicago's Women Build because Joanna Gaines says, "home is the most important place."